neljapäev, 26. november 2015

SOS and surprise

In yesterday’s post, I mentioned that I received the small pots I had ordered, today I already found a use for them. A tiny phal growth that had grown two proper roots in a greenhouse (they’re a bit over 5cm long) was already waiting to be put in the medium. Her new home is now an 8cm round pot and DCM medium (which, by the way, I am slowly running out of… Where on EARTH shall I get some more of it?).

The most difficult part about repotting her was fitting the roots in since they were spread out wide. I had to make sure, that new roots would have normal room to grow and still make sure she would stand straight in the pot. Nevertheless, into the pot she went and while it might look pretty okay in the picture, it’s actually pretty lopsided in there. We’ll just have to wait and see what she’ll do.

The following will be about an oncidium, namely the Onc. Sotoanum who was completely not at home in the pot she had been residing in. So, she also got a new 8cm pot. I did not cut her in any way, for she had just been repotted a little while ago, I simply moved her and her medium to a new pot. I got quite a surprise when I saw a new growth on a plant I had previously thought to be in a pretty bad state. How did I not notice it earlier? Probably because it was half-hidden in her pot.

At least now she’s in a new pot and can grow into heights. Hopefully, we’ll get to see some blooms in autumn-winter if not already in the spring.

What else is interesting… Only a few days ago, I made a post about how my big cymbidium has delighted me massively. Today, as I was checking whether she needed watering and picked her up I found yet ANOTHER new growth. If all the tiny nubs are indeed new growths, then at this time, she has four of them. Someone did tell me, though, that one of the growths (the one in the middle) might actually be a flower spike. Again, we’ll just wait and see. The process is definitely interesting, with or without the flowers.

kolmapäev, 25. november 2015

Order from Currlin Orchideen

At the beginning of the November I made order from Currlin. I didn't order any plants and thats because of weather, we have minus degrees already - snow and ice everywhere. So I ordered some pots and fertilizer.

So I got five pots which are 7cm in diameter

Five pots with 8cm diameter

and five 11cm diameter pots. 

The reason why I ordered so many small pots (no I dont have lots of seedlings) is that we in Estonia don't have small pots in stores. There are only 12, 18 and 21cm pots and sure I can't put my catasetum seedling into one of those. 

I lied, we have small pots, but they are not seethrough, but I am little but control freak so I need to see what my darling plants are doing. 

So and fertilizer. Many orchid growers over here prais Currlind standard fertilizer, so I bought one of those too. By the way, my fertilizer bottle got empty last weekend, so I'm really happy I have that now and I didn't buy another before my order arrived. 

esmaspäev, 23. november 2015

Green Cymbidium

Some of you already know something about my gorgeous green cymbidium. I got het for my birthday from my great-grandmother - how cute :) She grows on my cold North-West window (about 19C ). Just some days ago, when I inspected her to know when to water, I found one little knob. Sure it it new growth. 

Then I looked more and found another knob. About this one, I'm not sure is this growth or spike. It is a little bit different than other. But we will see soon.

And the biggest. I don't know how I didn't noticed it sooner. Talking about blooms, she is still in bloom from one spike, but it is going to end soon. Lip is already turning red. But no worries, next autumn she will bloom again, Im sure!

Happy growing!

pühapäev, 22. november 2015

Psychopsis papilio new growth

I managed to wait for my baby papilo to make new growth. I thought that she would die, when the last one died because of rot. But no, she is brave little one! :) Now the new growth is big enough to be captured on picture, so here is the new born baby. lol

I changed her growth space. She is now on hanging shelf, right beside the light and seems to like it very much. I'll keep you posted how she grows. :)

Happy growing

kolmapäev, 18. november 2015

Cattleyas baby

I totally love my recently saved Cat. She has been growing so well lately and thanks to her, I have started to believe in Catts again :D I didn't understand before how can people say thet they are so easy to grow - no they aren't, they are very slow growing - was my thought before. But now, Im impressed.

When about 10 days ago her new growth was just little red/purle dot, then now it is easy to see the plant. And roots, they grow so fast.

That little saved Catt had accident few days ago. Vandas roots were all over her and pulled her down. So I had to repot her. I thought that because of it she will end the growing and dry her new growth and roots. But no, she started to grow even faster. :)

The other little red dot is so small and I cant take a picture of it, but as soon as I can, I will. :) Hopefully it continues to develope.

Happy growing!

pühapäev, 15. november 2015

Phal in semi-hydroponics

Well today is the day I try first time in my life semi-hydroponics with one of my phals. The reason is that I have that one phal who have had very weird leaves all the time (about 2-3 years for now). They are little curly and always seems like she doesn't get enough water.

Last summer I repoted her, she had pretty good roots. But now i thought, what if I take her out and look againg. And what did I see? Nothing. I see nothing. No roots at all. Well there are some roots but they were out of pot anyway. So then I thought, I have hydrotons and plant with no roots. What should I do.

I took one plastic throwaway drinking cup, but hydrotons in it and then pour it over with some tap-water.

I have no idea how long it would take to see some improvement. I simple hope she won't die. She looks pretty bad but I must save her.

laupäev, 14. november 2015

Out of purple?

Today I'll sohw you something funny my one phal does. She seems to be losing her purple color with each bloom. I haven't noticed that before. :)

About care - I water her every two weeks and nothing more. She seems to like it! :) 

If you have any questions or comments, leave them here and I'll anwere
Thank you

neljapäev, 12. november 2015

November update

Since it is first post in this blog, I'll start with the update. Here is majority of my plants, not all of them. Basically I believe that this is the only post where i put most of the plants. Next time I will post only about those who does something interesting at that time. So lets begin...

Lets start with Nelly Isler. She has been in bark media since August. Im not sure she is happy with it but it's good that I can't pick it up from media as I used to. So even though I can't see new roots, I'm sure she does something. Well as you can see, she has been suffering in lack of water but I must say, new growths in one half of the plant are pretty nice but I can't say it about other half. Well we'll see what she does for spring. If she's not getting better we will do something with her. Sphagnum moss again maybe - we'll see.

Zygopetalum no 3. She is the latest zygo I've purchased. She has 3 new growths but I can't see any spikes forming, it's OK though, it bloomed about two months ago with two spikes. Two growths are in very active growing but I cant say it about the third one. It is slightly lazy, but I'm happy about it, better slow-growint than rothin - right? lol This plant is not repoted after buying, but I will do it in spring. 

Little Zygo has finally two almost mature new growths and I didn't rot them, what a good news. Maybe I should rename her - she isn't that small anymore. Anyway I can't see any spikes forming - again, but I see lots and lots of new roots. So I just wait for another new growths. 

And the biggest zygo is the lazy one right now. She has lots of little new growths but they are not very actively growing. Probably she enjoys the autumn, good for her. lol

Well little Phalaenopsis plants are doing fantastic. They are both in spagnum moss and new roots are very healthy. Right now I'm waithing my order from Currlinist to repot at least one of them. The one which has at least 6cm of roots. The other one moves then into a big home made "green house" so hes leaves wont suffer that much. 

Talking about the mother plant, then she died. But I know it will happen sooner or later, she has grown two precious basal keikis which do very well. They only need little more humidity and warmth and that's what I give them to grow up. 

Since I'm already talking about Phals, lets talk about one cute white phal who has grown one basal keiki about three years ago. The reason why I talk about it, is that I'm hoping its going to bloom next summer. All my Phals bloom in June-August. 

Phal who I got from my boyfriend in last Womens day has so many roots that I'm still amazed she fits in her pot. I haven't repoted it yet but I will in spring. And she is making another spike from last one. Hope she will bloom for me, it surely has sentimental value. Also, don't worry about thirsty roots, she got water right after taking a picture. :D

Gigant Phal feels great. She lives with cymbidium and dendrobium nobile in north-west window. The new leaf you can see, grew like this with in two weeks. Awesome. The pot is also full of roots so probably i need to repot her AGAIN in spring. 

Dendrobium Pahalanopsis or Dendrobium Bigibbum does simply nothing. New growths that she has, has been there like this couple of months but she has no progress as I see. Well positive is that I haven't killed her, so let her do what she does, she seems to do it well. :D

Brassia 'Orange Delight' which I got for birthday is still in bloom. I can't say she is in active growth but she has new growths. I haven't repot her so I will do it in spring. 

I believe that my catasetum should be start thinking about dormancy, but she doesn't. She seems to be very happy in leaves. I must say, the little plant had one yellow leaf couple of weeks ago, but that's it. Nothing more. What I have learned recently is that I should whater her when the bulbs are starting to shrivle, but when I didn't water it about week, she still does nothing. And then my heart got aching and I waterd it, I don't know was it good or bad. Maybe she really didn't need the water. If someone can give me advise, it is very wellcome. Also its seedling (18-24 monthis untill bloming)

Well Catts and Encyclia. The big orange Catt had new growth, thats good. I didn't belive it will survive at all, she got very bad sunburn in summer and didn't do well since then. But now it has new growth about 3cm tall and I can see active red buds also, so probably I will have more new growths.

My Encyclia doesn't do much I must say. I can see that new growths are maturing but nothing else. No spikes no other new growths. Well we'll see what she's doing in spring. 

Little saved Catt is my favourite right now. Her big new growth is starting to open up her sheat and she already is making another new growths. What a good girl.

Paphiopedilum grows its new growths which she put out in summer. But still no flowers. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. But againg I'm happy she is alive.:D

Fake Colmanara has buds forming, so in couple of weeks she should be in bloom. The sad news is that some of her buds are deformed. As I said she is fake Colmanara (they sold me Colmanara) and her buds look exactly like my oncidium hybrid buds. So we will see what comes out of theb, but I'm pretty sure she is the same.

As I already talked about thet yellow oncidium, she is still in full bloom althought she is starting do finnish it. Some bloomes are already dried. But she still looks fantastic on my windowsill - like a little sunshine.

My Aliceara had put out new growth and I'm so happy about it. I can't see any spikes - againg- but new growths mean always something good. It is pretty big plant, I don't know why, but she likes to grow sideways.

I don't know what to do wiht Onc. Sotoanum which I ordered from Shcwerter. She simple does norhing. As you can see, she has been suffering in lack of water. Maybe I should repot her when I get my little pots...I don't know.

Promenaea is doing well. She grows little new growth. I hope she will survive winter so and in spring she will start grow much more. Probably I will purchase another Promenaea in spring in orchid meething.

I can't get very good picture about Tolumina but she does very well. She has put out one new growth which grows upside down - can't do nothing about it. I didn't make pictures about vandas but the both of them grow leaves and the white one has also active roost. So everything is okay.

Big Cymbidium blooms from her second spike and it is breath taking. Also she has one new growth. Little Cymbidium have 3 new growths and I suport their root-growing with some sphagnum moss.

Dendrobium Nobile babys do well. They get little fatter every day. Hopefully they survive winter and put out some keikis.

Last but not sure least my Psycopsis Papilio has new growth. It is very small and I can't picture it but it's there. Im so happy. I moved her close to artificial light, so I hope she will grow the little one pretty fast. 

So that was November update, too lot of time to write and lof of time to picture. Hope you like it. If you have any questions leave them into comments and I'll answere them. 

Happy growing and stay tuned. :)