Here's a little post about my new Vanilla. One my blog readers gave it to me to take care of because he doesn't have enough time to give her as much water as she needs.
So here she is.
Maybe you can see that the tip of the plant is dried, so I snapped it off. Mostly looks that plant great. I really try to keep her alive and hopefully we will see blooms in near future also.
I have to say that this gift was great. I have been looking so long for vanilla but havent found it anywhere, sometimes you just need to wish and your dreams come true.
Happy growing!
reede, 5. veebruar 2016
esmaspäev, 1. veebruar 2016
Howeara 'Lava Burst' and sented oncidium
Well there are some simple rules in orchid world. One of them sure is "you will never keep your promises to not buy another orchid". Yeah, thats exactly what I did. I promised to myself in autumn that I will not buy another orchid untill our orchid show in March. Well guess who said that snow has melted and there are even some over 0 degrees, so its SPRING! I CAN BUY ANOTHER ORCHID. Yup, i went to the gardening center with my grandfather and he bought me one Howeara and one sented oncidium. Both of them were on dicount, howeara was 5.50€ and oncidium 3.50€.
Well this is my little howeara. It looked kind of okay Had some sphagnum in the middle and the roots that were in it looked almost black, but they weren't soft at all. So i kept them. It came in little basket that were inside that white pot. I decided to put it back in this basket but with new bark.
So thats how it looks right now.
Talking about oncidium. I took it because even the fading blooms smell so good. So I looked at this and that plant and FINALLY i found one plant with two new growths - one small and one bigger.
Well about that little growth - i snapped it off by accident. :/
Well about the roots. They looked pretty fine and they were so crazy that i couldn't cut any of then by not cut whole root ball.
Well this is my little howeara. It looked kind of okay Had some sphagnum in the middle and the roots that were in it looked almost black, but they weren't soft at all. So i kept them. It came in little basket that were inside that white pot. I decided to put it back in this basket but with new bark.
So thats how it looks right now.
Talking about oncidium. I took it because even the fading blooms smell so good. So I looked at this and that plant and FINALLY i found one plant with two new growths - one small and one bigger.
Well about that little growth - i snapped it off by accident. :/
Well about the roots. They looked pretty fine and they were so crazy that i couldn't cut any of then by not cut whole root ball.
Thats how it looks like now. Hopefully they both will grow well and we will see some bloomes from both of them soon.
Happy growing!
kolmapäev, 27. jaanuar 2016
Babys of January
Once again I must say, spring
really is on its way and I have a reason to walk/talk you through every new
baby on my windowsills. Hopefully this will be an interesting overview.
First of all, Encyclia ciliare
that, for a little while, did nothing at all. But now she has delighted me, and
perhaps you also, with three rapid-growing babies.
Promenaea. Generally in a sad state and looks shabby
but still has a new growth, which gives me great joy of course. Nevertheless,
it seems that she might be having the same problem as my (now dead) paphiopedilum primulinum. I hope not,
but we must wait and see. I am hoping to get a healthier Promenaea in the spring.
The Psychopsis baby seems to
be growing even if you take your eyes off it for just a minute. It seems that
the tale of psychopsis’ extra slow growth does not apply to new growths. Well
obviously, it will still take time for the baby to grow as big as the biggest
leaf but I can allow that.
Fake-colmanara aka a “regular” yellow oncidium #2. I am not entirely sure
if you see these small, tiny, near microscopic bud but I do. They emerged
yesterday during watering. And even though I already repotted this particular
Oncidium in autumn, I may have to repot it again in the spring. I really can
not stand not seeing what is going on in the pot. Same applies for the encyclia and a few others.
The big cattleya has grown two additional
growths. Hopefully we’ll also get to see more blooms near autumn. She’s got a
gorgeous bloom that smells like roses.
As you can see, the biggest
growth is the same size as the old bulb (bulb+leaf).
Small cattleya seems to be on growing stand-by. The only thing growing is the root
visible in the first picture – that’s better than nothing, though, I suppose. I
did notice however, that we have another tiny growth coming. It’s small, yes,
but it is coming :)
Another one currently on stand-by is Oncidium
Sotoanum. I really can’t bother doing anything with her at the moment but let’s
hope that when the days get longer again her babies will also grow. Oncidium is
actually quite a fast-growing one.
In this shamefully foggy
picture, you can see a Colmanara 'Jungle Monarch' who has grown a secret baby
and I only noticed it yesterday. What a little sneak, that one.
A dendrobium nobile baby has grown a baby of its own. I am still not quite
certain that thse friends will survive (even though they have been living in
this pot for half a year + almost half a year in moss)
A little bit also about the cymbidiums. The big tsümbiidium has grown four growths, no stalks, though. But I am
still grateful for the babies, for if there are no growths, there are no
stalks. The flowers will come in their own time.
The small cymbidium is extremely
slow in her growth but again, that’s better than nothing. There is hopw for
anouther growth and hopefully we’ll see even more in spring.
The Catasetum is giving me headaches by now. In January, when she should be
giving me new growths, she just dries up her leaves, doesn’t even pretend to
look like she’s trying to make a growth. I seriously can’t take a stand on
this. Let’s just hope that the growths come some time later. It’s not like I
can do anything anyway, she is the orchid here and does her orchid things the
way she sees fit.
I can’t say whether I can call the Zygos’ growths babies anymore because
they are the size of proper plants already, the bubls haven’t come along yet,
though. The one in the red pot could possibly still be called a baby but the
ones in the orange pot are all grown up.
And to wrap it up, tolumnia who has
reached her growing speed and the autumn growth is pretty big by now. The
“upside-down growth” is still upside-down and I hope that when I get around to
setting it in a clay pot in a month or two, I can turn her over and she can
grow on … not upside-down.
Happy orchid growing!
esmaspäev, 4. jaanuar 2016
January update
Finally, this
horrible darkness is over and days get longer every day. January truly is like
spring to me even though, the coldest month is still to come. Nevertheless,
there is more sunshine and both I and hopefully also my flowers have a tiny bit
more energy.
Speaking of
cold, the temperature inside our house has risen drastically. When I returned
from my mini.vacation on the 28th of December, the thermometer
surprised me with a striking 27C degrees and a humidity of 35%. I almost fell
over with surprise and started to decrease the temperature. The humidifier was
also switched on immediately, the humidity rose to 43%, which is not exactly
rosy yet but definitely better than 35%.
All of the
flowers were watered before I set off but when I got back the pots were as dry
as desert (psychopsis, onc. sotoanum, promenaea, onc. tiny). I’m not even going to mention the state of
vanda and tolumniafor whom my heart ached the most.
Let’s address the recent
progress. Rapid growth of autumn has somewhat slowed down but something is
still going on. The new growth of the oncidium I talked about in the December update
is starting to deserve to be regarded as a separate plant by now. She is
now long enough and getting bigger each day.
The promenaea growth has also
grown pretty well but for some reason or another, she likes to grow
horizontally. The plants are so tiny that they can’t be directed in any way. I
cannot wait for the orchid show to bring a proper promenaea to accompany my
own. If everything goes well, there is hope for another new growth.
I have not killed my rescued cattleya growth and it is
out of her “nubbin-state” – each day she stretches herself more and more
towards the light. Her tiny root needs extra humidity each day but it’s not
much of a problem to make a small round with a spray bottle once a day.
The big cattleya
has two growths and it’s great! She is recovering from her sunburn and I will
make sure to be smarter next summer. I am also really thinking about where I
should place my flowers when summer does come around. Last summer’s cherry tree
project gave me an awesome present of burnt flowers. As you can see from the
picture below, the growth is already opening its leaf.
My little Psychopsis
papilio has succeeded in growing a growth and I have not (yet) messed her up.
I found another
growth on my Encyclia during a (not entirely) random observation.
Up next are the
cambria who I promised to just give away in a big fit of anger, for they were
not doing anything. Not that I have anything against green but who are we
kidding, every orchid grower wants to see blooms. Especially if the plants have
been doing a wonderful job at acting as a bush for two years. A few weeks after
this promise had been proclaimed out loud, both of them started growing new
growths and there is a definite hope for them to bloom at some point. Here is a
bunch of pictures of the growths. Which growths belong to whom? I can’t remember
Zygo eem to enjoy winter. Can’t see any flower spikes
but the growths are doing a good job growing. The zygo brought from Mileedi has
grown ESPECIALLY big and its growths are growing especially fast. I still don't
k’ow what is going on in her pot but it seems that whatever is going on there
works for her. The zygo I got from the orchid show in the spring, is growing
her growths over the edge of the pot, not sure whether I should repot it in
upcoming spring or let it be for another year.
And this is it
for this time. There hasn’t been much progress but enough to notice. Days are
getting longer and then I will hopefully have more news. Oh! About masdevallias,
I went to measure the conditions when there was -15C degrees outside and here
is the outcome
I was a little
bit thrown off by this but the plants themselves don’t seem to mind, they are
not wrinkling or yellowing.
Happy growing everybody! :)
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